Monday, August 29, 2011

last days of summer...

One of the last hot days of summer here.  . ok a piece of cake considering other parts of the country.  But, I also have rabbits and the heat isn't their friend.  Luckily I have a cooled barn for them..we don't have a cooled house though!  All for the critters lol.  My koi pond FINALLY got above 70 this summer..and now the temps are going to drop this week where the HIGH will be 75.  So much for warm fishes!
I managed to get quite a few hats done this week.  Baby hats and adult hats.  Most if not all will go to the mission.  The 2 divine hats were ones I finished last fall that are still hanging around.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wow..i did it

I've not had a blog before.  Many have told me I should..don't even know if I have time, but blog I guess I will. 
Mostly it will be about crocheting..and grandkids and rabbits and dogs and cats and fish and farm...  Ok I guess it will be a blog about most everything.  Now I just have to figure out how to post pictures and "customize" my blog..wish me luck I'll probably need it!